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A novel method for establishing typical daily profile of PM concentrations in underground railway stations , V. Rakotonirinjanahary, S. Crumeyrolle, M. Bogdan, B. Hanoune, Indoor Environments, 2024 [DOI]
Calcul des pressions en façade pour la ventilation naturelle dans les espaces semi-ouverts, E. Walther, A. Hubert, A. Sauvageon, M. Bogdan, Editions T.I., 2020, [Access]
A novel approach for the modelling of air quality dynamics in underground railway stations, E. Walther, M. Bogdan, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2017, []
Modelling of airborne particulate matter concentration in underground stations using a two size-class conservation model, E. Walther, M. Bogdan, R. Cohen, Science of The Total Environment, 2017, []
Effective Permeability and Transfer Properties in Fractured Porous Media, G. Rastiello, R. Bennacer, G. Nahas, M. Bogdan, Defect and Diffusion Forum 362 (Fluid Flow, Energy Transfer and Design), 2015, []
Cement Paste Morphologies and effective diffusivity: using the Lattice Boltzmann Method, E. Walther, M. Bogdan, R. Bennacer, C. Desa, European Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2015,
A novel method for establishing typical profile of PM concentrations in underground railway stations, V. Rakotonirinjanahary, S. Crumeyrolle, M. Bogdan, B. Hanoune, Indoor Air 2024, Honolulu, Hawai, USA
Evaluation of the effectiveness of filtration systems in Parisian underground railway stations, V. Rakotonirinjanahary, S. Crumeyrolle, M. Bogdan, B. Hanoune, Indoor Air 2024, Honolulu, Hawai, USA
Daily PM10 concentration profiles in some Parisian railway stations, V. Rakotonirinjanahary, S. Crumeyrolle, M. Bogdan, B. Hanoune, Indoor Air 2024, Honolulu, Hawai, USA
La distribution de Weibull, un outil utile ou dépassé ? Application au confort au vent, M. Bogdan, E. Walther, A. Hubert, IBPSA 2024 France, La Rochelle - Oléron, France [Full-text]
Contribution solaire au bilan thermique du corps humain : un modèle anisotropique simplifié, E. Walther, M. Bogdan, IBPSA 2024 France, La Rochelle - Oléron, France [Full-text]
Profils types journaliers des concentrations en particules dans les enceintes ferroviaires souterraines parisiennes, V. Rakotonirinjanahary, S. Crumeyrolle, M. Bogdan, B. Hanoune, 37ème Congrès français sur les aérosols, 2024, Paris, France, [Abstract]
Calcul des facteurs de forme entre polygones - Application à la thermique urbaine et aux études de confort, M. Bogdan, E. Walther, M. Alecian, M. Chapon, IBPSA France 2022, Châlons-en-Champagne, France, [Full-text]
Fast Method to Design Air Filtration Solution at Low Energy Cost in Subterranean Train Stations, P.-E. Pretot, C. Schulz, D. Chalet, J. Migaud, M. Bogdan, 7th World Congress on Civil, Structural, and Environmental Engineering (CSEE’2022), Lisbon, Portugal [Full-text]
Spatial distribution of thermal comfort: A case study in Paris’ station, E. Walther, M. Bogdan, F. Devys-Peyre, C. Inard, BS 2021 17th IBPSA international conference, Brugges, Belgium, [Full-text]
Détermination des conditions limites en pression pour le calcul de la ventilation naturelle, E. Walther, A. Hubert, A. Sauvageon, M. Bogdan, IBPSA 2021 France, online, [Full-text]
Improving the prediction of natural ventilation by coupling CFD and BES: A case study in Strasbourg train station, E. Walther, A. Hubert, A. Sauvageon, M. Bogdan, BS 2019: 16th IBPSA international conference, Rome, Italy
Simulation of the piston effect of a train entering or leaving an underground station., S. Aguinaga, M. Bogdan, A. Sauvageon, 2017, 3rd French/Belgian OpenFOAM® users conference, Valenciennes, France, [Full-text]
A Novel Approach For The Modelling Of Air Quality Dynamics In Underground Railway Stations, E. Walther, M. Bogdan, Air Pollution 2017, Cadiz, Spain, []
Prediction of airborne particulate matter concentration in underground stations using a two size class conservation model, E. Walther, M. Bogdan, R. Cohen, Healthy Buildings 2017 Europe, Lublin, Poland [Full-text]
Microscopic model for concrete diffusivity prediction, M. Bogdan, F. Benboudjema, J.-B. Colliat, L. Stefan, EURO-C 2014: Computational Modelling of Concrete and Concrete Structures, Sankt Anton am Arlberg, Austria, []
Modèle morphologique d’hydratation & Methodes level-set, M. Bogdan, J.-B. Colliat, F. Benboudjema, L. Stefan, AUGC 2014, Orléans, France
Modélisation des transferts diffusifs dans les matériaux cimentaires , M. Bogdan, F. Benboudjema, J.-B. Colliat, L. Stefan, AUGC 2013, Cachan, France, [Full-text]
Morphological modeling of cement based materials and hydration process, M. Bogdan, E. Roubin, J.-B. Colliat, F. Benboudjema, L. Stefan, Microdurability 2012 - Amsterdam, The Netherlands, []
Modélisation des transferts de masse dans les matériaux à matrice cimentaire à l’aide d’un modèle morphologique, M. Bogdan, E. Roubin, J.-B. Colliat, F. Benboudjema, L. Stefan, Transfert 2012, Lille, France
Multiscale Failure for Heterogeneous Materials: Link with Morphological Modeling, E. Roubin, M. Bogdan, J.-B. Colliat, COMPLAS XI, 2011, Barselone, Spain, [Full-text]
Comfort modelling in semi-outdoor spaces, E. Walther, M. Bogdan, REHVA European HVAC Journal, 2017, [Full-text]
Natural ventilation uncertainties in building energy simulations, M. Bogdan, E. Walther, REHVA European HVAC Journal, 2017, [Full-text]