Mateusz BOGDAN


My personal site, with a short presentation of who I am, my academic and professional activities and research interests !


My personal site

Here, you’ll find a short presentation, who I am, my curriculum, an overview of my research interests and publications, and some things I find usefull to share!

About Me

With an architectural education from my relatives, I’ve always been interested in urban plannig, architecture and civil enginering constructions. My taste for maths, applied physics and computers led me to to civil engineering studies, at the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan (nowadays known as ENS Paris-Saclay). It’s research oriented education programs suited me (very) well, and nurtured the idea of a Ph.D. quite early!

Whilst finishing my master’s degree, I took a year “off” from university and travel to Vietnam. Initially to teach Material Strength in a French-speaking University, I ended up working at the Vietnam Green Building Council, as a Scientific Advisor for the LOTUS NC Rating Tool. It’s a voluntary certification system for buildings and constructions. At the time the first pilot version was published, LOTUS NC (New Constructions). My wide civil enginnering background helped me greatly on assessing the relevance and importance of each category to be evaluated, and thus we managed to build a fair assesment scale for upcomming construcion projects.

I currently work at AREP, one of the biggest architecture practices in France, as a Research Engineer and a project manager. Amongst the engineering department, I belong to a team called L’hypercube, where we do applied research and development in the global scope of “building physics” (ranging from outdoor/indoor thermal comfort, urban scale wind studies, urban microclimate, couplings between CFD and BES, to air quality in confined spaces).

My current research interests are (not limited to) about in computational geometry, urban scale modeling (links with GIS), Python, web applications, CFD, data-visualisation, Paraview, Neural Networks, and so on!

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Download my curriculum vitæ (pdf) [English]